Untitled WIP - First Chapter
“Yes mother.” Milo’s second reprimanding that day, the first came from a mistaken Latin conjugation, was due to Milo spilling his bowl of the cook’s stew. Because of the latter mistake Milo was now required to buy the cook a new basket of ingredients from the market. Despite the shops being only a mile away, his mother found this to be a suitable punishment. The family was well known in the area and the Arlington’s eldest son carrying a woven basket spilling over with vegetables would cause many sideways glances and just-loud-enough conversations of “Well, it looks like he upset his mother today”, “what a shame that Marla’s handsome boy has to buy his own vegetables”, and Milo’s favorite “at this rate he’ll never carry on the family name” Marla was known for her punishments but was well respected throughout the city and Milo running household errands had never brought shame on her, only lowered his chances of finding a wife. Despite their stares and tales of his falling statu...