
Past has faded into fog
only a shimmering memory at this point.
Clouded by darker times darker lives—
Faceless figures following footsteps
louder and louder from youth and into oblivion.

Do I miss you?
maybe maybe i do
But I would not know either way

Love, it’s been so long much too long
Not long enough for the concrete to settle 
into the cracks of thirteen fourteen
eight seven six five
First day first time first for everything
You had to be the first one there and gone again—

Wait for me i’ll come back
But you’re different now.
I can’t recognize your face through the smoke.
Through the ashes of the bridges burned,
you and her in a fiery blaze leaving 
me behind… 

No more words to be spoken
yet so much said by lack thereof.
Restment filled interest-less loss of life loss of clothes
that once covered differences and faults,
Failures and misconceptions,
All of our tiny mistakes 
growing into vast forests
growing growing growing
And gone.
